IOS Training


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IOS Training Details

Prerequisites : Anyone can learn Web Designing and Development.

Level : Beginner  (By the end of your course become a Professional)

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    IOS Training Curriculum

    Duration :  __ Months

    Batches : Weekend and Weekday Batches Available

    Mode : Online and Offline

    Certificate : Available after completing the course and projects.

    Placement : Available


    • Module 1 Introduction

      Applications and users, How the world makes IOS applications, Frequently asked questions.
    • Module 2XCode 12 and Swift 5.3

      Introductions, Xcode Versions, Downloading and Installing Xcode, Navigating the Xcode interface, Adding TextField to your app, adding TextView to your app, add image to your app, adding activity Indicators to your app, interacting with buttons, adding segment control to your app, adding stepper, add label, adding switch, adding ProgressBar to your App, Add PickerView to your App, Adding WebView to App, Programmatically/ storyboard adding UI Controls.
    • Module 3Swift 5.3 Deep Dive (Using Playgrounds)

      Swift Playgrounds, Introducing variables, array and dictionaries, If statement, App - How many Fingers, while loops, for loops, classes and objects, auto layout, App - is it Prime?
    • Module 4TableView

      Creating Basic Listing App, Configuring data with default tableview cell types, Configuring data with custom tableview cells, use of multiple tableview cells designs in one tableview, working with multiple sections, display header and footer view, Customizing header and footer view, handling row selection with multiple sections, creating drop down tableview, passing data from tableview to another screen, handling buttons action on tableview rows, reuse tableview cells on other screens, what is accessory type in cell,
    • Module 5Collection View

      Creating Basic Grid-Based App, Configuring custom collection view cells, use of different layout cells in one collection view, handling grid selection in multiple sections, displaying header and footer view in collectionview, creating app tutorial using uicollectionview using pagination, displaying data horizontally and vertically
    • Module 6UINavigaitonController

      Creating Navigation based app, handling navigation bar in multiple screens, adding navigation item on screens and adding actions, customising navigation bar.
    • Module 7UITabbarController

      Creating Tab based app, customizing tab bar item icons and titles, managing different screens in tab bar, Use of navigation controller in tabbarcontroller, display UITabbar only in viewcontroller.
    • Module 8Advanced iOS Features

      Navigation bars, App - Egg Timer, Storing Data Permanently, playing with timer, ImagePicker View, Multiple View Controllers, Controlling the keyboard, App - To Do List, Display web content using WKWebViewApp, manipulating strings, App - What's the weather.
    • Module 9Animation, Games, Maps and Geo-location, audio

      Animation Part I, Animation Part II, Integrating maps into your apps, Adding user annotations to maps, Finding a User's Location, working with audio, Swipes and shakes.
    • Module 10Core Data, Advanced Web Content, Json Data and Webviews

      Introduction Core Data, Advanced Core Data, Downloading Images from the web, APIs and JSON Data, Blog Reader
    • Module 11Submitting Your App To The App Store

      A Paid Developer Account, Certificates and Profiles, iTunes Connect
    • Module 12Extras: iOS Special Features

      App Analytics, Fire Base deep dive, Google Admob, Git Hub source control, Pod Introduction - Pod/ Swift Package Manager, Facebook/ Google Login
    • Module 13Push Notifications

      Understanding push, certificates, Our First Push
    • Module 14How to make money with iOS

      Introduction, working for a company, freelancer
    • Module 15Swift 5.3

      Multi-Pattern catch clauses, self not required in @escaping closures, synthesized conformance to comparable protocol for Enums, Enum cases as protocol witnesses, multiple trailing closures, Float 16 Type, refined didSet Semantics, willSet and didSet Observers in lazy Properties